I can't believe the news today
O h, I can't close my eyes and ma ke it go away!
How long?
How long must we sing this song?
How long?
How lo ng?
'Cause toni ght. ..w e can be as o ne
Toni ght. ..
B roken bottl es under ch ildren's feet
B odies strew n across the de ad-end streets
B ut I won't heed the battle ca ll
I t puts my back up, puts ba ck up against the wall!
S unday, Blo ody Sunday
S unday, Bloody Sunday
E♭ B♭onDC
Sunday, Bloody Sun day (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
All right lets go!
A nd the batt les just begun
T heres many lost but tell me wh o has won
T he trenches dug within our hea rts
A nd mothers, childr en, brothers, si sters torn apart!
S unday, Blo ody Sund ay
S unday, Blo ody Sund ay
H ow long...how long must we sing this song?
How long?
How lo ng?
'Cause toni ght. ..w e can be as o ne
Toni ght
Toni ght (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Ton ight
Toni ght (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
Ton ight
Come get some!
W ipe the tears from y our ey es
Wi pe your tears a way
Wi pe your tears a way
I w ipe your tears a way (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
I wipe your blood s hot eyes (Sunday, Bloody Sun day)
S unday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sun day)
S unday, Bloody Sunday (Sunday, Bloody Sun day)
Here I come!
A nd it's true we are immu ne
W hen fact is fict ion and TV reality
A nd today the millions c ry
W e eat and drin k while tomo rrow they die!
T he real batt le yet began (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
T o claim the victo ry Jesus wo n (Sunday, Bloody Sunday
S unday, Blo ody Sund ay
S unday, Blo ody Sund ay...